Market Trends and Data in HNS Domains

Co-hosted by Robert Raichici, Founder of Shakestats, and Colin Burke of BlockDomains/, they will be covering what many of us love: the data and trends in Handshake TLDs. How many bids, how many sales, and what is hot or not? Where are the future trends of naming and this protocol? By the end of this session, you’ll have your head swimming with data and ideas.


(00:01) [Music] [Applause] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right i think we’re live who’s gonna be the first to chat in this session pretty quick people are fast here like yo that’s a lot of people yeah people move right over thank you everybody oh bird is first i think it’s something i see bird is first wow bird bird is the word because he’s smart too he did a period he didn’t actually type anything yeah i don’t know is that a count a period i think it counts that’s that’s

(01:03) just ingenuity all right all right i hope everybody enjoyed hammer time derek uh it’s been a great first day i know we had a little rough first couple you know transitions and but i think we’re all getting the hang of this today um and again we you use the official hashtag if you’re tweeting try to use handycon 2022 so we can make sure to find your tweets and re-share them on the uh handshake khan account all right so our next session is a great panel i love the panels honestly so today we have some really great people uh talking

(01:37) about data market trends data hosted by steve webb co-founder of impervious and uh supporter at sponsoring this event so thank you steve i’ll let you take it from here all right i am uh we’re actually we’re all co-hosting to make it easier oh it’s all available here all right yeah uh the other webs paul webb is in the chats well good so yeah it’s always good to have as many webs as possible whenever you’re talking about the d web although i will mention it you know because i’m sure paul had the same

(02:08) problem growing up we have two b’s so i don’t know if that makes it better or worse but that’s our differentiator uh so i’m gonna let the other guys introduce themselves i’ll just say really quickly mike already said i’m one of the co-founders of impervious and we also are related to the gateway registry and registrar which i’ll talk about later and rob or colin you guys take it from there whichever wants to jump in first i’m calling you guys hi my name is colin burke i’ve been

(02:36) involved in handshakes since uh fall of 2020. um it was pretty new to new to crypto um basically brand new to crypto when i found handshake and uh swallowed the pill and um uh really went down the rabbit hole um to mix metaphors um i’ve been um writing uh market analysis under a blog um called block domains and um i’m pretty active as a buyer and seller where i’ve communicated with a lot of you um so really excited to be here i’ll hand it over to you rob sweet hey guys i’m rob um i’m the

(03:10) founder of shakestats uh i’ve been in this space for around two years now like since it’s it’s uh inception of handshake um got in because my mate he got the developers airdrop like from that github thing and we just thought that we needed to show people some data because the market looked pretty unorganized and people didn’t know how to value names so got in from there and i was really intrigued by the censorship resistance that handshake provides and um just the libertarian ethos so that’s why i stuck with you guys

(03:50) awesome um rob you want to lead us in to the the first topic on um yeah for sure for sure i’m sure uh share stuff those slides here yeah yeah yeah get that going so what i wanted to focus on in the beginning is to focus on like where we are as a market right now and first off we have to step back and understand what the handshake trading market is what it is based on and how it can grow okay so i found this chart that talked about the um the cycle of new emerging technologies right so here we have like the innovation trigger the peak of inflated

(04:32) expectations traffic disillusionment slope of enlightenment and plateau of productivity so when looking at handshake we can see of quite a few of these cycles going on um but at a much smaller scale right so giving a little history lesson a handshake uh in the beginning had quite a bit of hype because of the large institutional investors that actually um invest in the product protocol so we had like um all of this attention from that there was like i don’t know how many funds 15 funds that were like massive at the time

(05:13) and we got a lot of attention from there in addition with a lot of the fast air drops so a lot of people were claiming back then so i think there was um the highest rate of claiming was in the beginning and that’s where people dumped a little bit um so from there we had a bit of um that from that hype we got a bit of fomo for name trading in addition with uh the scarcity that was provided uh that caused some really high price action for tlds for example um hub dot x and all these other names wallet they went for like six figures of

(05:53) hanshen s right each um this was also yeah so this was because of the scarcity element uh and the fomo element so the scarcity element was that names were being released periodically and it was only like i don’t know how many names per week being released but yeah there was a small small amount so this is what caused that little squeeze on the pricing and then as we saw every name get released um that’s what we saw the prices go down a little bit because like there was so much supply and also people couldn’t really find the names

(06:28) that’s another aspect so then we fell into the chat of disillusionment for a bit no one was really sure um like what to do with these names how to value them things of this nature so i remember in the beginning people were valuing um they were thinking of these names only for the use of sub domains really most people so like that’s why dot hub and all this stuff was going really high because people like oh man this can be like the new the new dot com or dot x this can be the new yeah new dot com yet again

(07:01) and that’s how people were really viewing it uh english words were going like singular english words were going hard but uh not as hard as like dot x dot hub things like this in the end they were right though i think dot x dot hub and stuff are way more valuable because we’ve seen like from the tld staking how much passive income you can make from these and eventually we will need to use slds anyways so now i believe we are in the beginning of the slope of enlightenment so what this means is we’re beginning to see some actual

(07:34) infrastructure being created on the handshake network we’re seeing some actual utility um and it’s just the beginning so i think i think a really great thing um that i’ve seen lately for example is hns chat so if you’ve heard of hms chat it’s a bit like a telegram but you can use your tld um purely just your tld alone to log in and to text other people and things of this nature i think that is amazing and that actually shows real utility um same with uh name base they’ve got their little um neighbor news thing which is

(08:09) they did it first with the logins that was really cool so there we can see some form of um reflection the price action lay down the line uh for tlds because people will actually want to have certain names to be cooler it’s a bit like an nft right so let’s say oh okay i’ve got this emoji uh like a single emoji let’s say you’ve got a happy face emoji that’s your login that gives you some status people like whoa that’s actually pretty cool think about like an instagram username even like if

(08:42) you have a simple instagram username maybe like rob right that’ll be pretty hard to get so that’s kinda cool and that may reflect more on the pricing later and once we see more and more utility that’s when we’re going to see high pricing and pricing that’s more accurate and has more solid price flaws because it’s actual usage rather than just sort of wishy-washy speculation so i think that’s where we’re heading and um and we’re going to see that pretty soon in the next one year two years

(09:17) uh i have some other things to talk about but i can give it to colin now to add some comments yeah yeah no that thanks robin i mean before we i i’ll add a little bit but i you know while we’re on this um this visual here you know i’m curious steve you’re you’re an expert in io and you know other country code tlds do you see any parallels or i guess dissimilarities between the adoption cycle for for those you know alternate uh legacy extensions and you know any thoughts on how that racks up against handshake obviously the utility

(09:58) um uh piece is a little bit different but just curious if you have any parallels there so i think that’s actually a pretty good observation right because especially when you think of dot io and we think of cctlds in general i think there’s a direct connection with the utility just because originally io was not what it is now right like it was not a startup focused tld it was not tech it was just indian ocean like it was its original intent and so i don’t know if the the curve maps directly but i would imagine it would be

(10:29) very similar in terms and mike of speak to this a lot better than i can because he was around in the early days of dot io and iii and you know and even co when it’s kind of the original intent got co-opted to be a different type of utility and then whenever that happened then you did see this explosion of like oh okay well cool now it has this use case and then you know it started to build and then you have this explosion so yeah i think there’s absolutely a connection between the legacy world and the the only real difference is obviously

(10:59) there’s significantly more names that we’re dealing with now in terms of on the handshake side but sure i think we’ll see the same thing right where as more and more people find out about it and more cool things are built we’ll see different things that spur more growth in different use cases sure no that makes a lot of sense that’s great color and um that’s a very diplomatic way of um uh saying that mike is older than you are uh i’ll uh i’ll just quickly hit on here you know um for the benefit of the

(11:27) audience um you know when we talked um beforehand we we wanted to cover you know kind of the definition of the marketplace um some indicators of of you know quality and in domains um and then you know time permitting some some category specific trends and you know the extent that folks have any questions um please drop them into the q a and of time permits we will do our best to try to um try to address them um at the end here i’ll just really quickly hit on this chart here um i’ll i’ll make the

(12:00) small print um larger verbally upfront by saying that this march column that you see on the far right um that’s extrapolating march to date and assuming the rest of the month continues at the same pace just so that we’re apples to apples in this comparison um but you know comparing this to the chart that rob was just walking us through obviously it’s not the exact same thing nor would we expect it to be um when we’re looking at um both primary and secondary sales that being said though i think you do get the

(12:32) effect of a um an initial ramp up obviously out of the gate the purple um bars representing primary market um there was activity right out of the gate and um the secondary market didn’t really exist uh initially or only existed in a very informal way so the ramp for that has has been later um you know definitely a some troughing um during the second half of of last year during uh a period of you know relative malaise um in the handshake market and also more broadly in crypto as nfts you know started um losing momentum um and general

(13:12) pricing um suffered you know just really quickly um this this is a great example of that as well you know this is um uh total sales from each of the flamingo auctions which you know that’s become um the most prominent uh live auction uh uh you know forum within handshake and you can see a little bit of the same dynamic here of of course with slightly different timing but um initial enthusiasm a little bit of a drop off and um as i interpret it anyway you know a slow build backup you know as we see corporate investment

(13:51) utility et cetera i’ll just really quickly hit on um some some excerpts here from uh the handshake market sentiment survey that many of you on the on the panel or on the in the audience here uh submitted responses to um this captures um uh sentiment and and um opinions about the ecosystem development from 80 people really um from a platform usage standpoint to take away here is that name basis is still king um and that i don’t think surprises anybody that are the primary on-ramp um and have continued to be uh you know the

(14:29) primary place where most folks go to sell names um obviously that is not the only option and there was a great presentation on shake decks earlier i just mentioned flamingo which has been a great feature of the community and driven a lot of volume um that being said though you know we really are in a period of um uh name-based dominance um and with that um you know we can move on to our next topic and i’ll just briefly lead us off here before kicking it back to rob but but we wanted to talk about what um what constitutes a good domain name

(15:10) and just keeping briefly with the handshake market sentiment um report and this you know no better no no better you know place to source knowledge than from an informed community which which i think handshake is um really the the story here um uh and and i don’t think this will surprise people um you know english language is still still dominant um i i on this survey um treated 1l um you know single character domains as a separate category um but those are you know part of the um roman alphabet and you know i

(15:47) think we can one lump together for our discussion here english and one l’s carry the day um in the case of emoji and idn there were lots of people who were very optimistic you know thought more highly of them in terms of inherent value in terms of predictions for price increase in the future um there are a lot of people that did like those categories emoji idn which is internationally internationalized domain name um that being said those categories did have a lot of um skepticism or the community i should say

(16:19) had a lot of skepticism around those categories as well or strong pockets of skepticism if you look at the bottom of the slide and i’ll circulate these within the community afterwards and they are part of the survey you know some of the kind of inherent qualities that drive value for people um whether there was a lot you know we’ve got a slight majority of the community that thinks they’re um uh that the price paid at the primary auction is indicative of value um and pricing for secondary sales um brevity and recognizability no no

(16:54) surprise there are um uh you know the the two strongest individual criteria that people thought relative to um for instance the radio test is something that you hear a lot in um traditional domaining that was considered relatively unimportant it could be people not knowing what that is but you know pronounceability um whereas maybe that’s generally considered a very important part of traditional domaining um seems to be viewed a little bit less so here so you do have some some deviations like that that i i think are

(17:25) interesting um rob uh you know before we um ask steve to weigh in on on inherent quality from an sld standpoint um i’ll kick it over to you i i know we’ve talked a lot about inherent quality what are some of your thoughts about what you know what’s what drives an inherent or what makes a domain name inherently good um well yeah thanks for that um what i find in valuing a domain name on handshake is very similar to uh traditional domaining so i i think about um many factors first off i have to break it down what’s

(18:06) the actual what what can be the utility of the name right so let’s say i don’t know let’s say we have something fun like fun slash right like fun as a tld that could be a great brandable name for example and i would look at that and think about the brandability of that and in what context it can be used compared to like other domains and compare compare everything in the context of its category and also think about um i know i know there’s been discussions lately how uh the theory on seo is a bit wishy-washy

(18:40) but at the end of the day seo is better when when a name is like easier to put in and also depend in the traditional demanding system depends on what tld is under things like this but that’s also another factor another factor is um search results within google i think that’s really important to have a look um for a term how how popular that term has been over time um and i i i take all these in in addition with um a recent price action to really make a decision sure that that makes a lot of sense um steve i know you’ve been seeing you know

(19:24) you’ve got data at your fingertips um by virtue of your your work and and just being very knowledgeable can you talk about what you’re seeing on the sl well i guess from the sld side you know what what what’s what’s inherently good and what’s inherently bad you know as subjective as that question is um and i’ll um i’ll let you um present in case you’ve got some materials you want to show see if it comes up oh there it is all right um all right so i’m going to give just some really quick background on

(19:56) where this all comes from but yeah so my role on this panel is very much the sld side because these guys know way more about what tlgs are being sold and what the trends are there but just very quickly the everything we’re going to talk about is from the gateway registry so a couple years ago we created a registry with in conjunction with the former cto of dot io so this guy named james stevens who before dot io was purchased by afilius he was running dot io so he has a very battle tested system for his registry

(20:28) and so that’s what had been running and all the registrations that are tweeted at handshake slds are coming from that registry and that’s where all this data is also coming from so just and if you saw my namescon speech or talk whatever this is going to look very similar because i basically ripped those up and updated them from i think that was september and so it’s pretty wild actually how much has changed in a couple of months so right now there’s roughly about 10 000 active sld registrations meaning

(20:58) they’re actually live in the various root zones they’re not expired they’re not being deleted they’re actually basically okay status in epp and i don’t have what it was back in september i want to say it was around like 4 000 so it’s more than doubled in a few months and the 37 percent of those right now are about c i think 70 or maybe even higher was dot c back then and so not only are there significantly more registrations but it’s fanning out and there’s more interest spread amongst more tlds

(21:30) and just to put that in context if you look at the new global tld rankings if you treated every tld that’s in our registry as one tld it would be a top 250 tld which is fairly significant and even just if you treat that c alone it’s still a top 400. and then again just for comparison back in september less than 100 tlds had at least one active registration now we have almost 200 tlds and so again the trend there basically is we’re more than doubled in a matter of a few months this is just really quickly a breakdown of

(22:03) where those registrations are in the ecosystem what’s interesting and i’ll show a graph really quickly right after this is pork bun actually came live i think around november 1st and informally and just pretty much publicly we’ve referred to it as the pork bun effect and it’s a real thing because the primary reason that things have more than doubled is pork buns onboarding and then selling of registrations for the tlds that they support and so this is just a rough breakdown of that 10 000 active slds

(22:33) where those are being registered currently and then this is just a really quick graph that i was alluding to that shows for the top line is dot c i’ll i’ll show in a second the most popular tld and sld strings but again everything’s kind of open to the right and then things get a little bit crazier down at the bottom where the other tlds are kind of battling for second place at the moment so just really quickly this is the current as of at least last night i think or maybe this morning i don’t remember when i got when i pulled these

(23:06) the top 13 because top 10 is boring and so why not go for 13. as you can see and this will be a theme because i already touched on it at the tld level uh shorter is better right so single letter or single character tlds are clearly dominating and the only ones that are four letters or more are d5 sats and djinn and i can hear john hopefully he’s in the chat right now spreading the gospel for his tlds but again the real takeaway from this is shorter is better and dot c is clearly still the runaway winner although

(23:40) i think i don’t have it in this but uh i think.tx is definitely if if you’re talking about fastest rise because from september i think.tx was in the top 11 but now they’re number four and i think they might have only had like they definitely less than 100 back then so in a couple of months so noel is hopefully also in the chat right now like trump putting the dot tx gospel because he’s done an incredible job one more slide and then i’m going to kick the back to you guys because you guys have heard enough of me talking

(24:07) so on the sld side it’s way more interesting actually because it’s and we’ll get into this more when we talk about categories which may or may not be the next i’ll have to check that’s our next thing we’re going to discuss but the it’s very strongly crypto focused as you can tell just by looking at these words so i mean meta obviously metaverse nft crypto bitcoin i mean like the the top 14 and again the arbitrary cutoff i think was 22 i wanted top 10 but then there were a lot of ties so i just went to 14 but the

(24:36) column on the right tries to compare what it looked like back in september and as you can see there’s a lot not available which means a lot of these words were not being registered nearly as prominently back then sex is actually kind of i think porn was very popular but it got displaced by sex but the crypto ones nft crypto and bitcoin were in the top three but meta’s taken over metaverse has taken over which i think also probably makes sense because i’m assuming that facebook’s big foray into meta probably happened

(25:05) after i made those slides in september all i don’t remember the exact date but the real takeaway again is single words not surprising or huge single characters and i i dive into that more in depth but before i like continue to monopolize all this do you guys have something you want to jump in on before we talk about categories like how this relates to tlds particularly no i mean i think you’re you’re you’re in terms of you know keywords and subject matter i think you know i couldn’t agree more in terms of seeing

(25:41) the same story um and maybe this is a good a good segue in into the next um you know it’s almost been kind of comical some of the meta tld transactions that i know there are some money laundering uh or you know off book exchange uh theories happening uh around that but some you know meta trousers selling for 30 000 hns or whatever i think it was met pants actually sorry i’m not i’m not british um but um uh sorry to my british audience members um but but they’re they’re outside of that you know it does really seem like you

(26:17) know um the the in words um that are related to the industry seem to and logically so um yeah i would like to add something um sorry what do you say anyway um i wanna i wanna say that uh seeing these trends with meta nft things like this especially in slds and tlds both just shows the market efficiency um in handshake and how um that carries on with crypto and and everything else what i say market efficiency i mean the reaction to available information so we it’s very bullish to see this right because people are seeing the potential

(27:02) usage for meta and all this stuff and then they start valuing it and um everything in handshake right now is just this speculative value but that’s what pushes prices up and that’s what actually may push others to bring more people into handshake also um so very bullish definitely awesome awesome do you want to uh transition into categories then let’s do it all right let me uh i just have one slide based i don’t know why i took it down because it’s going to take time for me to not bring it back up but

(27:39) the categories are pretty uh pretty obvious based on the top list that we just showed and it touches on what rob just said because it’s uh not surprising crypt and this is kind of a rough breakdown i didn’t actually go through all 10 000 and try to categorize them i think i got lazy but i did a fairly big sample so this is fairly representative i think and not surprising crypto is far and away the leader right now in terms of what strings people are particularly interested and i didn’t clarify this in the past slide so those

(28:09) numbers i showed that’s how many unique tlds have the exact same string for them so if meadow was 80 that meant that there’s 80 instances where someone registered meta dot c dot nft dot you know whatever right like it’s the string itself is popular in addition to what the popularity of a given tld is and so that’s what these categories mean so crypto far and away is most popular not surprisingly for anybody that’s been in domain one words also super popular and then single character again which very much correlates to what they

(28:41) were saying about the tlds and what we’ve seen in terms of how many people are registering anything on a tld like people gravitate towards that single character and location not super popular mog again and again this is i mean 10 000 registrations is admittedly a fairly small sample but there just aren’t a lot of cases where people are registering emojis at the sld level at least and then just really quickly the this graph just shows smaller is typically better and then the tld it’s a no-brainer so like

(29:15) the vast majority of the registrations are happening on much shorter length tlds and now i will finally stop yammering on and let these fine gentlemen yeah discuss categorical information at the tld level yeah well hey just actually one question steve i wonder if you’ve noticed any you know are you do you see people who are um registering the same sld and multiple extensions at the same time absolutely i mean because so like i don’t follow the twitter obsessively but it is kind of i mean it’s fun to

(29:49) watch especially whenever those things happen because you will see a run right where i mean bitcoin was registered a long time ago but like on meta for instance i’m sure if you looked it’s a shotgun so it’s like somebody had a great idea for a keyword they wanted to use and then they locked up you know the dot c the dot one like all the popular tlds and so it is very much like a shotgun approach in terms of like a few people have the idea and then also the twitter i think is almost like an echo chamber right so

(30:16) like somebody sees that somebody registered you know sex.c it’s like oh i need to register sex that’s something before and so i think there is that kind of like it’s not necessarily fomo because it’s i think too small of a level but it’s very very diluted fomo of like oh i forgot about that keyword i want to get that keyword right right that makes a lot of sense um rob i know we talked a little bit before about some of the you know more recent trends we’re seeing um i’ll go ahead and

(30:45) pull up that that chart maybe um maybe you can talk through uh a little bit of that yeah for sure alrighty so um what we’ve been seeing with categories is pretty similar to what i was talking about even at namescon or the last talk i had on twitter spaces we’ve seen continuously emojis taking the forefront and actually having the most solid price floors and the most volume uh we see here like all most of the top names um we see a lot of the top names here are emojis right and this i’m pretty sure all of this is from this year alone but

(31:33) lately we’ve been seeing more english words come up so we’ve seen less selling action on emojis and english words have taken a bit of a forefront so we see here um spank uh i has like really high hms value i’m pretty sure um there’s a startup called spainchain or something they bought it for that reason uh we have silver i’m not sure what that’s for but crazy how high it went for and then we see iraq metaverso metaverse father um this is the first time i’ve actually seen the top names in the part in a

(32:11) period of like a few months being english words last year you couldn’t have said the same it was always emojis um that’s what kicked everything off with a price action also um and down here i see a lot of trends with like city names so i see like cluj here that’s actually a romanian city where i’m from um and then we have like a few more like we had a rock up there uh and then we had like some swift swift ski i don’t know what that is but maybe it’s like from some other country yeah we’re seeing we’re seeing a bit

(32:44) more of this which is really interesting to um observe i think it’s because people are actually expecting uh adoption to come sooner so they’re looking for a bit more utility prior to that no one could foresee utility because there was there was no hms chat there was no um handy host things like this so people were just playing around with emojis as if they were nfts because they’re very easy to value you don’t need um utility for that right uh all you have to do is just look at the aspects of rarity and that’s what was going hard

(33:20) but now now we’re seeing a bit more um a bit more speculation on utility which is great yeah definitely um i agree with you i think the and we’ve talked about this the you know it’s possible to put a box around emoji as a category and say these are round numbers but there are 3 500 of them total of that about 1500 don’t have um you know gender and skin tone modifiers and therefore more more rare and indistinguishable um and i think that that certainty of what the category where the boundaries of the category are helped drive that

(33:58) early and to your point now rob we’re seeing you know people kind of shoring up with the premier dictionary words um a lot of proper nouns things of that nature which are i really love proper nouns because it’s a way to um you know it’s it’s goodwill that you can trade on but generally speaking these aren’t trademarked terms um so so it’s less you know it’s not exactly squatting um in that sense i know we’ve had a little bit of um q a um steve have you been keeping track of um questions coming in

(34:35) are there any that jump out at you that we might be able to answer uh i think we already well do we already get everything well one question that i think i mean we touched on but we might just circle back on was where where do you see utility and slds when tlds are completely open i can just give really quick i mean i see i think rob actually kind of mentioned this at the very beginning also is and like they’re completely open but only one person owns a given tld right so like if you had your heart set on

(35:08) a particular word and somebody else owns that tld then obviously the next solution would be get the same keyword but on a different tld right like so like yes everything is open but you get even more options whenever you have basically an infinite namespace on both sides of the dot is how i would think about it i don’t know if you guys wanted to chime in that that makes a lot of sense to me um and you know the utility um i you know i i i think as we see more um use you know use immediate um immediately put to use

(35:52) cases you know somebody was talking before about getting a new sub domain and being able to use hns chat right away um so you know that feedback loop gets a lot shorter especially compared to um you know up to maybe a 15 day period if you’re registering a tld on the primary market so i wonder if that instant gratification may be the help helps as well and i think also i mean for better or worse people still are like conditioned to think about domains in the traditional model and so for there is a segment of the population

(36:28) that is still not able to fully grasp how great having a tld is and so for those people it might be like a at least a way to bridge to being more introduced to just tlds as opposed to like like if you’re if you’re an old demander maybe it makes more sense for you to get keyword.

(36:49) c before you’re you’re willing to jump in and like participate in the dots the dot s auction that’s being done at this conference sure that makes so that makes a ton of sense and with the most recent um you know about the time of the name cheap announcement and opera support announcement you know it seemed like there was a new crop of uh legacy domainers that started coming in and you know again just based on tweets and things like that it did seem like the first instinct for a lot of folks was slds which surprised me a little bit um but i is cool to see and and i think

(37:22) good for the ecosystem and you know maybe people branch out from there i had an idea i don’t know i just want to put out there have you guys ever thought of releasing um releasing like the the sub domains for your tld like an nft release so you have like a white list you have like all this hype around it and then um some built-in utility like for example how nfts are saying oh look at this road map we’re integrating with the metaverse if you can do that and create like a whole brand about it and then create all

(38:04) this fomo that people are going to think oh i’m going to get whitelisted up that would be crazy i think that would like uh be so cool to see and it would really help um bring in higher pricing in the hns market i’ll see so i i can tell you i mean we’re about to run out of time but we have some really cool ideas for dot forever so like that forever is as you know i mean like it’s at the sld level it’s on the ethereum blockchain at the at the tld level it’s on handshake but there we have some some cool ideas involving

(38:39) a lot of the things you’re talking about so we’re going to talk about that stuff in more detail in a later session like i think either tomorrow or the next day but yeah i totally agree with you because i think you’ll see that i think just in general my takeaway from that that comment is we just need to be doing a lot more cool right like i i think all the speculation stuff is awesome all of the activity at the sld level and the tld level is amazing but we need a lot more developers and not even just

(39:06) developers but just idea people that are like hey i want to do this really cool thing in a decentralized way like help me do it because the community is very open as anybody knows it’s ever been in our telegram like you will get whatever help you need everybody is willing to to chip in we just need more people that are willing to put like do what rob just did like hey i’ve got a cool idea like let’s go do it and then i think ultimately we will get where we’re trying to go but yeah yeah so true and i’m really excited

(39:36) i can’t wait for people to do that well everybody make sure you get on or listen to steve’s next session and i think we’re about to get the hook here we are going to get the hook but this is great i’m glad we did this guys this was a lot of fun thank you very much yeah thank you guys thank you for listening as well yeah yeah thank you thanks for having us oh there’s mike he’s muted though sorry sorry default we’re getting all these emojis though look at this i think people uh you know

(40:07) there’s a hardcore hardcore community here so thank everybody i really enjoyed this too thanks for all the charts and the data i think it’s exactly what a lot of us were hoping for and uh yeah i know there’s other sessions i think steve you’ll be on another session tomorrow um talking about or maybe on day three about the uh yeah on day three we’re actually going to talk to so i mentioned you know the top tlds three of those owners will be on that panel so they can tell you exactly what they did to

(40:36) to get this passive income that they’re generating yep all right thanks everybody we’re gonna move to i think matt zipkins up next i know a lot of people like him in the communities and give some good uh insights and tech tech uh tips for everybody so thanks for tuning in and see in the next session everybody [Music] kinetic is a blockchain crypto

(41:42) investment firm based in hong kong and puerto rico founded in 2016 they were the first fund in hong kong and one of the earliest in asia with a portfolio of over 220 companies they were seed investors in such projects as ethereum parity and polka dot solana ftx and of course handshake in name base [Music] founder johann chu was an active investor and supporter of the handshake ecosystem over one hundred thousand domains co-founder of d-web foundation co-founder of handicon and sponsor of the handshake house at miami hack week

(42:21) 2022 [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] so [Music] uh [Music] [Music]